After some self examination and reflection on the life and career I’d like to have, the company name and vision for AE came to me at the end of 2012.
In mid-2013, the business was officially filed and formed as an LLC. The logo was designed and all of the proverbial business ducks were put in a row, making sure all of my bases were covered.
2014 was spent preparing proposals and finishing up the Business Plan to help further develop exactly the way I’d like to see things go and hopefully develop and networking began, but in some ways, I was still holding back a little not really knowing how to help achieve the goals I was setting out for myself and my business to leave a positive impact on the world.
Then, just a few weeks ago, an idea for an event came to me.– so, 2015 is most certainly GAME TIME. I am planning my first official AE event for May 2015 and it’s both insanely frightening and exciting all at the same time. I’ll share more details as things develop, so be on the lookout.
So, as we finish the final hours of 2014, I can’t help but be excited about all of the great things that are on their way. Changes abound, which are sometimes not easy, but I’m ready to face them full steam ahead. How about you?
Happy New Year to everyone who’s taken a little time out of their day to check out my fledgling blog. And a very special thank you to all of those friends and family for their advice, love, and support — Without you (and you all know who you are), I would not be able to say that I am, in fact, ready to go full steam ahead!
Be safe out there tonight!!
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