As soon as I found out about the keys, I purchased a necklace for my friend, and in turn, she sent one my way. This was our first act of paying it forward to each other. The word on mine? Believe. I don’t know what it is about me and that word. At some point, it really has become my favorite word in the English language. Maybe it’s because I’ve got a generally positive disposition. That’s not to say I don’t go through ups and downs, cause Lord knows, I do. If you read my blog a couple of weeks ago, you saw that. But somehow, someway, I always tend to believe in good. I believe in the best in people and I believe that somehow, that best in people is something that’s going to shine through and make this world a better place. Maybe I’m naive for thinking that, but it’s what gets me through, so I’ll just keep on believing. I have yet to give my key away, because the message is still strong with me. In fact, right now, I need it more than ever.
But I look forward to the day that I can share that key with someone who needs it a little bit more than me. So for now, I’ll just leave you with a really great quote I found today. It speaks to me so loud and true. Some sentences way more than others. But I’m pretty sure it’s message is universal and I’m willing to bet a sentence or 2 will stand out for you in this very moment.
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